The Artisan
by Mike Sylvia
ORBITINGObviously, the first step here is to complete
the Paint-by-Numbers puzzles. The first one

doesn’t look too helpful at first glance. However, the second one,

which consists of twenty-four arrows pointing in various directions, looks
more promising.
To get the answer, solvers had to visualize the first PBN as a giant
sliding-tile puzzle, with each tile consisting of a 5x5 square. (As a hint to
this, the first letters of the repeated line spell out “SAM LOYD,” inventor of
this kind of puzzle.) After discarding the all-black lower-right hand square
and sliding the tiles in the directions indicated by the arrows, solvers got
this image.
Regular GL’ers will recognize this as the title of ORBITING, who is therefore
the answer.
Author’s Notes:
This was the third puzzle to be designed; I constructed and test-solved the
entire thing during two-hour road trip to Orlando. All in all, I’d say this
one is the most innovative of my puzzles, and several of the Hunters agreed
with me.
After Solving The Artisan:
“Hey, you’re back! Great!”
“Yeah, and apparently I’m a
Mage! w00t!”
“Whoa! How did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“You just said ‘woot’ out loud with zeros for O’s!”
“Really? Wow. I have GOT to cut back on my Internet time.”
Thanks to Duphrates for providing the images for this puzzle.