Rope Trick
by Kevin J. Lin
A little ingenuity combined with upper-body strength will let you claim the entire
hundred feet.
First, tie the two ropes together at the bottom. Next, climb one of the ropes.
Once you're at the top, cut the other rope at the ring. You now have a hundred
feet of rope tied together.
Feed the loose end of the rope through the ring, and pull through just enough slack
that it touches the floor. Grab the ring that the rope feeds through, and cut the
other end of the rope free. You may want to drop your knife at this point and grab
both ends of the rope, or the momentum of the falling rope might be enough to drag
the other end through.
You now have a hundred feet of rope looped through one ring. Holding onto both
halves, slide down to safety and then pull the rope after you.